Lam Ying Xian


An aspiring data scientist who is result-oriented, self-starter, data-driven, innovative problem-solver, resilient and avid learner.

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My Data Science Journey


Project 1: Bike-Sharing Demand Prediction

(R) (Machine Learning)

Project 2: Spelling Checker System

(Python) (Natural Language Processing)

Project 3: Online Banking System


Project 4: E-Bookstore Database


Project 5: Detection of Labour Trafficking from Online Job Advertisements

(Python) (Machine Learning) (Natural Language Processing) (Web Scrapping)

Project 6: Analysis of My Runkeeper Fitness Data


Project 7: E-Commerce Sales Performance Prediction

(SAS Enterprise Miner) (Tableau)

Project 8: SMEs Loan Approval Prediction

(SAS) (Machine Learning)


Application of Cloud Computing for the Development of Big Data - IEEE Xplore (Published)

Human Trafficking Through Data Sharing and Analytics - IEEE Xplore (Published)

How Does AI Tackle Mental Health? (Featured in Humanitarian Affairs Asia’s Newsletter & LinkedIn)

What is Data Science? (Featured in Humanitarian Affairs Asia’s Newsletter & LinkedIn)

How Does Data Science Play an Important Role in Social Change? (Featured in Humanitarian Affairs Asia’s Newsletter & LinkedIn)

The role of data science in improving environmental issues (Featured in Humanitarian Affairs Asia’s Newsletter & LinkedIn)

Why Should NGOs Use Data Science in the New Era? (Featured in Humanitarian Affairs Asia’s Newsletter & LinkedIn)